Community Q&A is an available feature for our NCX Paid Members (see What do NCX Members get?). It can be found on each program details page in the Landowner Platform. Learn more about Q&A and how to ask a question below.
Where is the Questions and Answers (Q&A) section?
Community Q&A is accessible on the program details page below program details and contact terms.
It is unique to each program, allowing tailored information and specific questions.
Questions and answers are organized with nested answers which can be accessed by clicking the down arrow (or chevron) on the question.
Questions and answers rated most helpful will be closer to the top of the list.
How do I ask a question?
To ask a question simply click the Ask a Question button.
Note: All roles can ask a question (viewer, admin, and editor)
This button will open an on-screen dialog that will require a question to be input.
After you add your question, press submit question and if successfully sent a success banner will appear at the top of your screen confirming.
How long will it take to get an answer?
NCX will review your question and write a personalized response. It's our goal to provide answers to all questions within one business week.
How do I let others know an answer was helpful?
You can click on the 'Helpful' button next to the answer to support question ranking.
The most helpful questions appear near the top.
You can deselect 'Helpful' by clicking again.